Do a Little Dance

I'm always excited to visit a new ballpark, whether it's major leagues or minor leagues. Every park has its own atmophere and some have their special ballpark food. I was a little surprised by the "little extra" at Safeco Field in Seattle. After the third inning the grounds crew came out to touch up the infield. Then the music started (sorry, can't remember the song, some 50's song I think) and before I knew it the whole crew was doing a dance routine. What a trip!
I think I can learn a lesson from the Mariners' ground crew. I need to break up the normal routine of life with a little dancing now and then. After all, the Bible teaches us to praise God with dancing. Don't be afraid, you won't catch me doing this in public! Public displays of rhythm are not my specialty. If I can clap in time during worship at church, that's an achievement. Instead, I'll just grab one of my kids or my wife and sing and dance along with a crazy song or some upbeat worship song. Sometimes a little dance can bring up the joy that has been buried in our hearts by the weights and cares of life and let it soar again.
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